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Nothing’s gonna change my world

“Across The Universe” , The Beatles, 1969

This is Aiko Kan, An anonymous Hong Konger born in the 90s, formerly a travel magazine journalist, Digital Marketing Specialist, and PR professional. Currently returning to the media industry, I’m writing once again to make a living. Long-time enthusiast of music, travel, films, and bowling. I enjoy exploring local neighborhoods during breaks, purchasing exquisitely designed but seemingly useless items with no particular purpose, and indulging in cost-effective goodies.

One day, I was inspired and carried out an idea I had been talking about for years but never executed: the “Bored Hong Kong Girl’s Exploration Project” was born. Witnessing positive responses to articles about wandering through housing estates and discovering hidden gems, I decided to rename it “Exploring Hong Kong Public Housings.” I even set a goal to explore all 258 housing estates across Hong Kong.

Though unremarkable, I endeavor to utilize my remaining strengths: writing skills and a knack for observing juicy details. Through my blog, I record various mundane projects related to Hong Kong, communities, and everyday life.

How far my bored wandering through Hong Kong project will go, even I don’t know. Hopefully, it will go far enough to document what I see and hear in today’s Hong Kong. I aim to contribute my best effort in recording as much as possible.